Dr Barbra Timmer will remain as president of Audiology Australia (AudA), the nation’s peak accrediting and advocacy body for audiology has announced.
Revealing its new look board on 25 November 2024, AudA revealed that Ms Yetta Abrahams and Ms Lia Traves were appointed co-vice presidents and Ms Emma Ramsay was reappointed as treasurer.
Two new board directors were also appointed – Victorian audiologist and researcher Dr Emma Laird and WA-based early career audiologist, Mr Luke Austin.
Dr Timmer who has served on the board for six years and as president for five, said she was honoured by the show of trust from members and the board’s confidence in her leadership of AudA.
“I look forward to working with the board including our newly elected directors, to navigate the opportunities and challenges ahead for our profession as we continue to represent audiologists to shape the future of audiology, its regulation and place within allied health,” she said.
AudA CEO, Ms Leanne Emerson, said she looked forward to working with Dr Timmer for another year and the new look AudA Board to support members and advance the profession by advocating for their profession.
“Barbra’s stewardship has played a key role in AudA’s growth and impact over the past five-years. Under her steadying and decisive leadership, we will continue to benefit from her extensive knowledge and understanding of the profession, audiology, and the broader hearing health sector,” Emerson said.
Dr Timmer said the board was excited to begin working with the two new directors to drive AudA’s new vision of growth, impact and recognition for the profession and Australian hearing health.
“We are delighted to welcome Luke and Emma to the Audiology Australia Board at a time of change and growth for the organisation, its members and the profession. Their expertise, skills, and unique perspectives will be an invaluable asset as we navigate new challenges,” Dr Timmer said.
The two new appointments come as AudA farewells board directors, Dr Bec Bennett and Ms Cleon Kirby who stepped down from the board this week, 25 November 2024. The organisation said both left a formidable legacy of impact and innovation that had benefitted Audiology Australia and their profession.
“On behalf of the board, I thank Bec and Cleon for their outstanding contributions to not only the AudA Board but their colleagues and the audiology profession,” Dr Timmer said.
“I know they will continue to play an important role as leaders and champions of audiology, with Bec already helping shape the AudA 2025 Conference as program chair.”
Introducing new board members
Dr Laird is the program and project lead at Soundfair, where her primary roles are lead investigator on an NHMRC research project developing a digital hearing wellbeing program and leading the Tinnitus Awareness initiative.
She has a diverse professional background including a Bachelor of Science (Psychology), Master of Clinical Audiology, PhD in Psychologically Informed Practice in Hearing Healthcare: perspectives and needs of clients and audiologists, and additional psychotherapy training.
Dr Laird has worked as a clinician, researcher and educator in university, non-profit and private organisations. She is passionate about continuing professional development and finding innovative ways of bringing these training opportunities to members.
Mr Luke Austin is a provisional audiologist at Hearing Australia. Before his career in audiology, he worked as an Aboriginal health worker for several years within regional Western Australia and provided policy and clinical support for WA’s peak body for Aboriginal community-controlled organisations.
As a Noongar man, his understanding of unique cultural perspectives has enabled him to help shape culturally respectful and effective policies and strategies. Austin has been involved in developing policies that align with the health needs and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
He is passionate about improving awareness of audiology as a much-needed health service and making audiology more accessible for all Australians.
Read more about the board members and download a copy of AudA’s 2023-2028 Strategic Directions blueprint for the future.