Starkey Australia has launched on the national market a new hearing technology system using artificial intelligence to improve the experience of those with hearing loss.
The company says its Genesis AI hearing aids are the ”biggest leap forward ever in hearing technology,” and the Genesis AI system provides optimal hearing for any listening situation, enabling wearers to hear soft sounds and distinguish words and speech more naturally while significantly reducing their listening effort.
It says the hearing aids process sound the way a ‘normal’ auditory system does, filling in the gaps produced from years of hearing loss. They are reported to feature the industry’s smallest and most powerful processor that operates up to four times faster than predecessors with six times more transistors, to create better sound quality.
Starkey’s chief technology officer and executive vice president of engineering, Mr Achin Bhowmik explained: “By tapping into advanced technology, sensors, machine learning and artificial intelligence, Starkey Australia has reinvented the hearing aid to provide the best hearing experience for hearing aid wearers.
Analyses and optimises sound more than 80 million times an hour
“Our all-new, powerful processor was designed to work like the human brain, leveraging the neuroscience of the ear-brain connection and information processing to create better sound quality, pushing energy-efficient artificial intelligence to its limits, analysing and automatically optimising sound over 80 million times an hour.”
The multi-purpose device also incorporates health and wellness features including being the first to integrate sensors, the first to track and encourage social engagement, and the first to enable counting steps.
Bhowmik said its improved performance levels were unmatched in the industry and battery life was doubled.
Starkey also manufacturers hearing aids that can detect falls and send alerts via the My Starkey App interface.
A study commissioned by Starkey of 1,030 Australian adults over age 50 found ageing was a negative experience for most, and more so for those with hearing loss.
One-third had noticed changes with hearing. Most rejected hearing aids to support changes in hearing despite two-thirds being pro using technology to support ageing.
Most respondents wanted to adopt strategies including technology to live independently for longer and were optimistic about the role AI and other new technology could play in supporting them to do this.
Most were unaware of link between hearing loss and cognitive decline
For more than half of respondents, cognitive decline was one of their biggest ageing concerns yet most were unaware of the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline. Those who were aware were 25% more likely to wear hearing aids.
Less than one in four who noticed hearing decline said they would wear hearing aids and most of them would delay this until their mid to late sixties.
Respondents were twice as likely to test their eyesight than their hearing even amongst those who had noticed hearing changes, with only 42% having had their hearing tested.
Dr Judy Grobstein, education and training audiologist for Starkey Australia, added: “At a time when we are advancing with incredible innovations in hearing technology, it is interesting to see that three out of four Australians over 50 are unaware of the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline.
Game changer for hearing health
“Encouragingly though of those aware of the link, 25% are more likely to wear hearing aids. The latest hearing technology truly is a game changer for hearing health and ultimately improved health, wellness and a better quality of life.”
Starkey president and CEO Mr Brandon Sawalich said the company was leading the hearing industry not just with incremental improvements, but with breakthrough benefits.
“The result is Genesis AI, a new, unprecedented experience for both patient and hearing aid wearers and hearing healthcare professionals,” he said.
“Our significant breakthroughs in hearing health innovation offer infinite benefits to patients and hearing care professionals alike but most importantly empower all those experiencing hearing loss.”
For more information visit
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